Jack & Jill
Free registration, dead-line is 10 July 2019. Maximum number of pairs is 20. Can enter in the competition only the persons that have week full pass. This year we have a special prize from (…)
Free registration, dead-line is 10 July 2019. Maximum number of pairs is 20. Can enter in the competition only the persons that have week full pass. This year we have a special prize from (…)
Salsa Contest runs international wide. Choreography must contain at least 80% salsa. Rueda de Casino is accepted as part of the salsa but the proportion of the choreography should not exceed 15%. Song for the contest (…)
You can find the contest rules on the page down. We specify that this rules are under the international regulations of World Latin Dance Cup, therefore, it can be modifications. Registration dead-line is July 10, 2019. This will be (…)
This is a contest for pairs (couples), meaning: M&F, M&M sau F&F. Minimum age is 16 years old. We will dance three songs, max. 2 mins. duration of each piece. Election pieces will be on site by draw. Scoring criteria are (…)
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